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SUBgroups: Peer group program for math grad students

Announcing the Fall 2021 edition of SUBgroups, an online peer group program for first-year math grad students. Registration is now open.

SUBgroups is an opportunity for first-year math grad students to connect with their peers at other universities. Small groups meet online to support each other as they adjust to graduate student life.

Lots more details and the registration form for the program can be found here:

In 2020 we had over 200 first-year students participate in SUBgroups from a wide array of programs around the country. Here are just a few quotes from participants about their experiences:

“I felt like I was able to learn a lot about other people’s experiences and that helped make me feel that I was not alone.”

“It was actually comforting to hear that others were somewhat struggling, like I am, with their first semester, especially with the added difficulties of the pandemic.”

“I liked getting the opportunity to discuss starting graduate school with a group of women. Some of them also are the only women in their cohorts, so I am glad for them that they have this as a resource.


We place students into groups according to the preference that they state, and this often means we are able to connect students who are minoritized in mathematics with others who share their identities. In the past this has included minoritized gender, racial, and sexuality identities. We hope that this feature of SUBgroups can help to further support your Math Alliance Scholars as they begin graduate careers.