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Mathematics Department at Cal State Northridge Receives AMS Exemplary Program Award

Mathematics department at Cal State Northridge receives AMS Exemplary Program Award.

Congratulations to the Department of Mathematics at California State University Northridge (CSUN) on being the 2016 recipient of the AMS Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department!  The CSUN department is honored for its creation of the PUMP program (Preparing Undergraduates through Mentoring towards PhDs) and its successor, the CSU Alliance for PUMP, which encompasses other campuses in the California State University system.

Aloysius Helminck of North Carolina State University, who served as chair of the award selection committee, said, “The PUMP program has a tremendous impact on getting and keeping students from underrepresented groups in mathematics. The program started at CSUN and now includes 10 California State University campuses. PUMP takes students early in their college careers and gives them a summer boot camp in math, followed by research opportunities in the academic year. Students receive mentoring and are connected to the broader mathematical community by attending conferences. Most of them continue to graduate programs. The success of PUMP is due in large measure to the vision and dedication of its leadership. The program is highly deserving of this prestigious award.”

Click here to read the full announcement of the AMS award.